Sunday, October 9, 2011

So this one time I got drunk........

I don't remember much about last night, so I will call it a success. Haha. I wish I didn't black out so easily but at least I know I had a pretty good time. I did something way out of the ordinary and hit on some dude????? Thats how much I drank.
To start with I was at a wedding reception with one of my old friends, we will call her M, she went as my date. It was open bar so I was hitting the keg beer pretty hard. After a while me and M went to the bar and met up with a couple more friends. I kept drinking beer and some random guy bought our table a round of shots. I caved in and had a drag of a cigarette after quitting and not having a smoke in a month. Anyway while everyone else was outside smoking this dude came up to me and started talking about football and than he went back to his table to sit alone. I was drunk and this guy seemed cool so I decided I wanted to see what could happen. I had no idea if he was gay or bi but I had a mission and I was gonna try. He walked by our table again a little later and said something to us so we invited him to come sit with us. The 2 people I was with now have no idea I'm gay so its not like they were helping me or anything. Last call came around and this dude, we will call him Nathan, asked if we wanted to go drink some more at his place. I was obviously up for it but my friends rode together and one of them is married and has a kid so they went home and I followed Nathan to his house. We drank outside and talked about high school stuff cause we went to high schools that played each other in sports and were relatively close. I had invited Lea over and she came over with one of her friends and we all sat around drinking. Than moved into the garage for some reason and thats were I sat on the floor and passed out. Lea decided I had had enough to drink so we were all gonna leave. Lea and her friend were gonna follow me and Nathan back to where I was staying, he drove cause I was obviously worse off than him. So on the drive he needed to adjust my steering wheel so reached over and unlocked it and when I was done I put my and on is knee and drug it up to his thigh before I took it off kept my hand to myself. Than once he had it at the right height I locked it and did the same thing with my hand. He didn't say anything either way but I stopped and we were almost at my friends and then I passed out. I was freaked the fuck out while I was doing it but I wasn't gonna stop.LOL. It was nothing major but Nathan was a pretty decent looking guy and he didn't object or freak out. I doubt I will see him or talk to him again so it doesn't really matter. I'm not the best at meeting people so the fact that I decided to go to some random guys house for whatever reason is different. You probably think this is lame as shit, cause it is but for me it was a small step. It will happen someday. And hopefully I do more that rub some dudes leg.
Did anyone catch the Broncos game today? It was an ass kicking until they took out Orton and put in my boy Tebow. Then we only lost by 2.haha. And my college team won, it was close and a comeback that was apparently awesome but I missed it cause I was at the wedding. Anyway here is a fucking awesome band, this song gets stuck in my head all the time. If you haven't listened to Mumford and Sons give them a listen, I always think about coming out when listening to them
also I am at over 1000 page views, thanks to all of you for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Just wondering, what is it about Mumford and Sons that makes you think about coming out? I love their song "The Cave." I'll have to check them out some more.
