Wednesday, December 14, 2011

screw settling

I have come to a 189% sure conclusion that I am starting school again this spring. I can not settle for my mediocre job with my less than pleasant life in the place where I live. I need to change all of the above and the first step on this path is to better myself with am education to get a better job that I will enjoy and want to go to everyday. I have always been interested in law and politics and am going to get my bachelors in political science. I have always thought I wanted to teach and that might be a fall back but I want more from life. I want to have a job with responsibilities and have an influence, obviously both qualities of teaching just not what I think I want anymore. I had some issues while I was in school before and come January I will be in good standing on my loan and after and come fall semester I will be eligible for loans and grants again so I will be able to get shit rolling for real, until then I will take classes at a community college.

The reason I am writing this is because I got "lectured" at work today. Not because I did anything wrong but because I am a positive person......exactly, what the fuck. There was an issue with some people I supervise and my natural reaction to everything is to see the positive in everything. So when I was told about the issue I gave a sarcastic laugh and said "ugh why do people say stuff like that". I knew the situation was serious and warranted a serious response but my laugh was a laugh of disbelief and frustration. Even when someone puked and it blew into my mouth this weekend, I laughed. Its just what I do. There is no reason to not try and be positive and upbeat about a situation once it has happened and nothing can be changed. I know that when I blog I vent allot of sadness and frustration, but this is my only outlet to do so, I have no living breathing person to vent this kind of stuff to, so this is a benefit of my blog. Don't get me wrong I am not the type of guy who is peppy and runs around with a huge fake smile plastered on all the time or anything like that, but there is no reason not to laugh at life, who will benefit from me walking around like an asshole yelling at people being serious all the time??? No one. So why would I want to continue to work in a place where having a personality is grounds for getting lectured. I would also like to point out that 85%  of the people I am over are older than me. I am 23 and in charge of 40 year old children.
This was not a tipping point to my decision, it was already made. I was just super pissed off after the whole ordeal and it cemented my decision and I wanted to vent.

One random thought. After watching the Real World tonight I think I want to go on to the show. 5 of the roommates became really good friends and were genuinely sad to see each other leave when the show was over. I have never had that sort of random people meeting and becoming awesome friends. And I really would like to meet people and be straight up with them as gay and them be ok with it and treat me as a human. And I would love to get away from life for 3 months and just hang out and have fun.
Until I make the cast, school here I come!!!


  1. dude i know exactly what you mean, no need to be a stiff all the time when you can be a happy and enjoy the time you have. i dont understand why people walk around mad at the world for the littlest things. doesnt make sense! haha but goodluck with school bud!

  2. That's awesome you're going back to school. I definitely want to after getting a "taste" of the "real world."
