Thursday, May 10, 2012


I know I am probably not going to find many opponents to my views on marriage equality reading my blog but its still something I want to talk about. Obviously 2 days ago North Carolina passed Amendment 1 which solidified the law in place to ban same sex marriage and not recognizing partnerships or unions of any kind from anywhere. That fucking sucks. It doesn't affect me here in Nebraska but for those who live in NC it blows. Than 1 day later Obama comes out for equality, which isn't some big political action, its just where he stands and I think where the Democratic party is going this year.
This statement will probably be interpreted in a couple ways but who cares. I think that there is always going to be problems with the fiscal side of the government. There is never going to be a time when the country unanimously looks at the budget and the deficit and says "hey, this looks good great job everybody"(sorry Paul Ryan fans). Thats just not how the system works, there will always be alienated and pissed of people trying to get what they want. Of course jobs and the economy are important, is the recovery slower than anyone would like to see, yes, but is it recovering, yes. It has always taken longer to build something up than it has to tear it down.
With that being said when I look at politics social issues are more important to me, barring some outrages shit on the fiscal side. Think of it like this, If I was told that I had 1 year to live would I want to spend it being as happy as possible trying to fix something that will arguably always be flawed and will somehow always continue to chug along anyways??? I am sorry if this makes no sense at all.
So in November I will be voting the same way I did 4 years ago, for Barack Obama. Not just because of his stance on gay marriage but I also agree with many of his foreign and fiscal policy stances. My vote will essentially not count based on where I live, which sucks because If I lived 10 miles further North than I would live in the district the Obama won 4 years ago when he split the state..
I just registered for classes for this summer, one of them being current social problems, I think I should do fine. Haha. That and all the news coverage had me thinking about all this.

__________________________________________________________________I also like to read the blog towleroad, if you don't you should, I feel somehow more connected to the gay world.. There was a video on there I watched this morning that was sad as fuck but it is an important reminder of why we need marriage rights.
later guys


  1. Do you think you will eventually move to state that has more equality for you or will you stay in your state because it is home, despite it treating you as a second class citizen?

    It is not an easy choice -- my state on recently approved civil unions and I never really felt the need to move but perhaps that is more because I'm single. If you found a partner and wanted to have equal rights, moving to a state that provides that is best. But what's not mentioned in the "It could happen to you" video is that you have to take affirmative steps to take advantage of those protections and not just assume.

  2. Obama finally evolves to a decision. Bullshit! He said it is up to the states. You talk about double talk. He is just a big ass liar! He won't give up his chance for reelection for anyone!
