-Everything is pretty mediocre on my end. Still single, still too afraid to talk with dudes.
-I have gotten over the whining (which is what I felt was all I was doing here) and accepted that nothing is going to change until I grow a pair and takes steps. Once I do that and shit is still sucky then I will complain because I did what I could.
-I'm late to the party with this one but DOMA and PROP 8 are dead!!!!!!! Super pumped about that, I sat at work on SCOTUSblog on my phone waiting for the ruling. I have kind of decided to give -Nebraska a couple years to let me get married and if it looks to distant of a law then I would move eventually, probably to the north east.
-Random story that made me super happy but I was watching Catfish last night on MTV with my brother and it was about 1 dude getting catfished by some other asshole dude. Based on past comments I was expecting him to constantly drop the F-bomb and make fun of them but he didn't. Not once. Maybe he's growing up, or has developed gaydar and doesn't want to offend me.
-I have to go take a nap now, I worked early this morning and have to back tonight so I can have off the 4th. I hate my job.
-Here is an awesome song:
Finally have a safe and fun 4th. This country was founded on the principles of freedom, happiness and equality and I think this year it means a little bit more with the SCOTUS rulings last week, to me at least.