Hey everybody its been a while, as usual I guess. This last weekend I went to a bachelor party for a friend whose wedding I am in this weekend. First of all I only really know the groom and have only met most of the rest of the wedding party a few times. One of their favorite words to give each other shit is "faggot", which I have pretty much become desensitized to because it is never used in the context that would honestly piss me off. They are all really awesome guys, all but 2 of the other 7 guys there are in the air force together so they have that bond that I wish I had with a group of friends and they are accepting of people into their group. That being said my only fear was getting too drunk and making an ass of myself.
One of my New Years resolutions was to cut way back on my drinking and only drink on the weekends if I was going out. I have done that successfully. Less alcohol=lower tolerance. Since New Years I haven't really gone all out and partied and had fun. I knew I would black out if I drank too much so my plan was to pace myself and stay away from hard liquor. I did really good until about 11 when we got into the limo to go from one bar to the strip club.......
This is where I pretty much remember about 10 minutes of spotty memories.
blackout.I remember walking in and paying my $20.
blackout. Going in with a couple of the other guys and paying for a dance for the groom.
blackout. I remember using the bathroom and the attendant giving me a paper towel.
blackout. Talking to a guy I just met that night about the stripper in front of us.
blackout. Texting B and U about how much I hated vagina.lol.
blackout. Putting a dollar on stage and having to standup to "motorboat" a stripper. Yes for the first time in my 23.5 years of existence I touched breasts, it might have been with my face but none the less there was contact.haha. If memory serves ? it was pretty unexciting, but a milestone regardless.
blackout. Its 9am, I am in the hotel bed and I have to use the bathroom. Use the bathroom and then go back to bed. I only got to sleep for about another hour before we got up to clean up a little bit and check out to go home.
During my drive home I have plenty of time to freak out because I blacked out. I started to lose black out at 11pm. We had our limo (which was a pretty badass Ford Excursion SUV) until 2:30am. Thats at least 3.5 hours of emptiness, not to mention drive time back to the hotel and the pizza boxes that were in the room in the a.m when I woke up. I drove home and was up for about an hour and then went back to sleep til 4pm, so I don't think I got much sleep that night. If I were a normal straight midwestern guy I wouldn't give a shit about my blackout due to being in a controlled environment not having to worry about driving and the such. But for some reason drunk me feels like coming out all the time, however I am usually sober enough to restrain.....
I freaked out about this for a few days, and then I realized I am done caring. If I told someone and still haven't had an angry mob with pitch forks and torches outside my balcony then who the fuck cares right????
Some of my drunk text conversations with B and U:
me-Vaginas gross me out.--to U
me-tits. touched my face.--to U
me-I don't want tits in my face.--to B
me the next morning- sorry for the drunk texts lol.---to B and U.
They were both responding and being awesome. Until it came time for them to go to bed, and for me to be in bed long before.
Thats all for now, kind of long post anyway. Next time I hope to post about politics :) which I love. peace out